faces that have come far

a cross section of a tree showing rings and cracks in its surface

What is felt in the heart can be seen in the face. Deb Dana shares the science behind this link in her book Polyvagal Exercises for Safety and Connection. Our faces are constantly sending and receiving signs of warning or welcome, uploading and downloading information about connection.

Poets and philosophers have long understood the relationship between the face and the heart. Weathering, a poem by Alastair Read, is a lovely example. You can read or hear a recording of the full poem here.

From wearing a face all this time, I am made aware
of the maps faces are, of the inside wear and tear,
I take to faces that have come far.

Read’s poem will be my guide for this month’s Rest and Reset class. We will spend time with the face—a part of ourselves that most of know very well and may even have strong opinions about. There will be no requirements, only invitations, to move with ease and to allow plenty of time to just BE.


mental time-travel


from old strengths to new strengths