what can become of rest, more rest?

Every repeated experience matters. Whichever experiences we choose to repeat—either consciously or unconsciously—are changing our mind-body system.

“The only thing that’s truly under our control is where, when, and how we repeatedly direct our attention, and whether we are directing it consciously.” This quote and the one above are by Somatic Experiencing practitioner and author, Elizabeth Stanley, from her book, Widen the Window.

Because repetition has such a strong influence on our mind-body system, it’s important to intentionally cultivate again and again the attitude and the types of experiences you want to have with yourself.

I'm sharing, with permission, a note I received from literature professor, Bethany Ides. "Working with you, I've begun to think about my body as a text — like a living document. In your Feldenkrais classes, I awaken my senses for exploratory reading. My body is not a to-do list. It's a poem, a riff, call and response. No need to cram information. This text regenerates my willingness to be present."

What is your general attitude toward your body? Is it usually friendly, or do you tend to be more critical? Do you treat your body more like a to-do list or a poem? For many people, given the culture we live in, I suspect it’s the former. But, as Bethany’s comments suggests, change is possible! It just takes practice. If you’d like an opportunity to slow down and cultivate friendlier mind-body communication, I invite you to join a lovely community of people in common purpose in the R&R class this Saturday.


…What can become of rest, more rest?

A.R. Ammons, Excerpt from The Deep End


Let what you do not know come into your eyes.


Good Disagreements