It Really Breaks a Mold in my Head
“What does she mean, what do I like? It really breaks a mold in my head that I'm allowed to like, or that I have a preference.”
Does this resonate?
It came up in a discussion after class recently. It can be a massive shift for some to realize they can choose how they move. And that there are more than two choices (right and wrong, of course). Very often we push or power through tasks to get the result that we want. And much of the time we’re encouraged to work at the edge of or beyond our comfort zone to get those results.
What would change for you in your ATM practice, or any other movement practice you’re engaged in if you shifted the criteria to measure your experience away from the effort and toward enjoyment?
Would you make your movements slower or smaller? Would you pause for rests more often?
I will remind you to choose pleasure during class so that you might choose it more often outside of class.