A rose is a rose is a 2,000 pound rose?

Jay DeFeo began her most iconic painting, The Rose, in 1958. She worked on the painting everyday for EIGHT YEARS! She built up and scraped back the layers over and over and stayed with it through many different phases and titles. What started out as a large canvas slowly transformed into an 11 feet tall, 8 feet wide, 11 inches thick hybrid between painting and sculpture.

What does a 2,000 pound artwork have to do with Feldenkrais? Like a single day’s worth of brush strokes, it can be hard to value the small changes you experience after a session—more perception in your feet, or more length in your spine, for example. But as with DeFeo’s Rose, the small changes accumulate over time and lead to meaningful shifts in your experience. When you move with greater ease, your presence changes. You feel it and others around you do, too.

The challenge with developing good habits is maintenance. Toward that end, I will do my best to create classes you want to attend rather than have to. I will help you to value your small changes and understand what to do with them. When you show up again and again with DeFeo-like devotion, the small shifts become seismic.


Time is alive


A time with such slow turnings