A time with such slow turnings

“We actually have a very malleable relationship with time,” Danish poet Inger Christensen writes in her essay The Shadow of Night from the collection The Condition of Secrecy. “We can move in and out of it as we like, can shorten or lengthen it to suit us…We can do everything by the clock or we can follow our own rhythms and only occasionally check to see what time it is.”

Awareness Through Movement is a process that invites you to “step into a different kind of time, a time with such slow turnings.” When you take a few moments to stop what you’re doing and turn your attention inward, time stretches and “willingly lets us step away from its numbers.” When you shift your attention away from what and toward how, very often your breath, your sense of compassion, and your muscles expand, too.

I’m back with a full schedule of classes and a workshop in October so you’ll have many opportunities to step into that “different kind of time” with me. I hope you’re stepping into it as often as you can on your own.


A rose is a rose is a 2,000 pound rose?


Something that is Close to Nothing